Vanderbilt Professor Calls Parents ‘Ignorant Racist[s]’ for Opposing Critical Race Theory

Vanderbilt University
by Terrance Kible


A Vanderbilt University professor recently said that parents who oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT) are “ignorant racist[s].”

“Meanwhile, ignorant racist [sic] are worried about scaring their kids w CRT,” Gilman Whiting tweeted last month after a bomb threat against Howard University, an historically Black college in Washington, DC.

Earlier the same day, Whiting tweeted, “[S]chool boards across the country are banning teaching history while ignorantly calling it CRT.”

Between these tweets, Whiting opined that individuals were using their opposition to CRT to disguise their true intentions: eliminating equity in schools and “not teaching Black, Brown, & indigenous history, [and] banning books.”

Whiting, whose pinned tweet accuses another user of being “ignorant or simply racist or probably both,” holds three positions at Vanderbilt University. He is an Associate Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies, the Director of the Scholar Identity Institute, and the Director of Graduate Studies for African American and Diaspora Studies.

Whiting received his Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction with a focus on special education populations from Purdue University in 2004. He also holds an individualized M.A. in multicultural education and urban affairs from Rhode Island College.

Whiting’s areas of specialization include special needs populations, which he identifies as “at-risk learners, gifted identification, adult learners, incarceration of young Black men, [and] special education”; as well as urban education and achievement, including black identity and masculinity; and race, poverty, and fatherhood initiatives.

Campus Reform reached out to Vanderbilt University, Whiting, and Dr. Tracy Sharpley-Whiting, the chair of African American and Diaspora Studies, for comment. At the time of publication, none had responded to Campus Reform’s request for comment.

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Terrance Kible is a first-year law student at the Duquesne University School of Law. He is hoping to pursue a career as an appellate litigator. Terrance is also a member of his university’s Federalist Society and Criminal Law Society.
Photo “Vanderbilt University” by Stablenode CC BY-SA 4.0.






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28 Thoughts to “Vanderbilt Professor Calls Parents ‘Ignorant Racist[s]’ for Opposing Critical Race Theory”

  1. […] Vanderbilt Prof Calls Parents ‘Ignorant Racist[s]’ for Opposing CRT […]

  2. Sim

    The Democrat party is the one accused of “Stealing votes” in the last election,

    Yet they are the ones crying about “Voting Rights”.

    Evidently, even with a “PhD”, some can’t make the connection between the two.

    But after all, they are “Democrats”.

  3. Hank

    It sounds like this dude is campaigning for a position with the biden administration. He would probably fit right in with the drag queens, tranny’s & other mis-fits that have been appointed by the D.C. swamp.

  4. JB Taylor

    Living proof that an education does not make you intelligent.

  5. ilLestr8tr

    To think that students waste their money sending kids to mental institutions like this, racking up massive debt in the process in many cases. And now many employers are hesitant to hire college grads because of their lack of any real hands-on skills, lack of creativity, lack of initiative, the emotional baggage they bring along with them, sense of entitlement, etc.

    1. ilLestr8tr

      Correction…”parents waste their money”

  6. David H

    Ask the Leftists >
    1, What is CRT? (they will probably say it is “an academic framework”)
    2. Exactly what would you teach that CRT is?
    3. Exactly what “history” would you teach? (They will probably say “the truth”. My reply is that every Southern slave owner during the Civil War was a Democrat and the Democrats were the party that wanted slavery. Do they want to teach that?)
    4. Would you teach that Black people are oppressed victims and that all White people are “privileged” and racists?

    They can’t answer those questions.

  7. Chris

    Great, we understand that you think we’re racists.

    Now, tell us why we should care.

    Go back to teaching your African-American Studies classes.

    I’m sure that a major in that curriculum at Vandy will attract a lot of prospective employers.

  8. Ms Independent

    All colleges and so called college “professors” are liberal- not just at Vanderbilt.

  9. This guy sounds like another clown. I guess he doesn’t get any props for his illustrious PhD, so he strikes out at the world.

    AND….there is an 95% chance that the perp who made the bomb threat to the school is not white. Proof? Find almost any person of non-color who has even heard of Howard University, much less knows it’s a HBCU.

    Lastly, any old white guy using the (alleged) word, “Tryna” is part of the lowest common denominator crowd. And to all the parent paying boku $$$ to send your kid to Vandy and the like – HA HA HA HA HA!

  10. 83ragtop50

    I had the opportunity of knowing many so-called educated PhD’s over the years. A large percentage of them were worthless in the real world. More like professional students who could not stand the thought of the challenges of the business world. So they just buried themselves in academia where they were rewarded for nothing other than having spent years and years huddled in a classroom and playing bridge in the student center. I have no use for them.

  11. Larry Hattis

    According to the last paragraph of this article “Whiting’s areas of specialization include special needs populations, which he identifies as “at-risk learners, gifted identification, adult learners, incarceration of young Black men, [and] special education”; as well as urban education and achievement, including black identity and masculinity; and race, poverty, and fatherhood initiatives.” It seems that he should focus more on properly and I mean properly educating those who need the help not only to better themselves as individuals but hopefully to become better citizens and parents .

    To many people Black and white carry chips on their shoulders and feel that society owes them something because they feel they been mistreated and in some cases it could be true but in many cases it falls back on how they were raised and where they live.

    The first sign of ignorance comes from those who use the race card because people disagrees with them.

  12. Stuart I. Anderson

    And I call any conservative who contributes a dime to Vanderbilt or any other leftist fever swamp of higher learning when so many conservative candidates are in desperate need for campaign contributions ignorant fools – so we’re even.

    1. Dr Ken

      Absolutely Stuart. I ceased all contributions to my alma mater when they started directing monies toward woke causes. In that case there was a rock imported from elsewhere and placed in a prominent place and named after one of the first University Chancellors or President. The rocks composition was dark much like Vietnam Memorial wall. For years it was referred to as the “black” rock. The woke movement decided the rock was racist, yes, a rock. As a result, the rock was moved at a cost of around $90,000 with the university funding. So, I quit all contributions and let the school know why. I also, as you articulated, now direct those same monies to conservative candidates. We, this country, need the return of common sense.

  13. Wolf Woman

    Please understand that this type of “education” is what the students’ parents want. They are wealthy elitists and plagued with white guilt. I met many of these types living in Boston and NYC, and they are thrilled that Vanderbilt offers these courses taught by a BLM elite Black man.

  14. At the beginning of the pandemic I told the bartender that “you will take the mask off when you take the shot and turn in all your guns.” The gentleman next to me said “I’m OK with that.” That gentleman identified himself as an engineering professor at Vanderbilt.

    Over priced BS at some of these schools. And to think that some of these kids go into debt for such brain washing.

  15. LM

    Apparently, Mr. Whiting , in all of his educated glory, has failed to explore the many differences between history , and critical race theory. One being that history is not a theory. And what about all of us from mixed racial backgrounds who do not subscribe to CRT? We’re ignorant racists , too, I guess?

  16. Steve Allen

    This is the typical response from a liberal. Everyone who they don’t agree with is a racist. It’s a shame they can’t see how truly ignorant they are.

    1. william r. delzell

      Just like everybody who does not agree with the Right is automatically a communist or a sex predator in the mind of many rightists, right?

      1. Steve Allen

        Good morning William: Personally I would only label them as such if they behaved in that manner. All communists are leftists, but not all leftists are communists.

  17. nicky wicks

    vanderbilt is a cesspool of liberalism.

    wonder when they’ll change their name due to being named after a rich white dude.

    1. william r. delzell

      Hey, you’re talking about my and my brother’s alma mater and about my Dad’s employer by the History Department. Vanderbilt, for all its faults such as abuse of eminent domain that forced working class people from their nearby homes, does have several virtues such as standing up for free speech against ultra-conservatives that tried to destroy our academic freedom. Vanderbilt’s former chancellor, Alexander Heard, showed tremendous courage during the 1960’s and early 1970’s when he stood up to the John Birch Society, the White Citizens’ Council and similar organizations when they tried to prevent him from inviting leftist speakers like Stokley Carmichael, William Kunstler, et al. from the campus. He was willing to lose his job and risk his reputation to protect the right of students to invite speakers of both the Right and the Left no matter whom they offended. That took courage and even earned Alexander Heard the grudging respect of several conserviatives. No mean feat!

      1. 83ragtop50

        I really do not care to learn that your family was wealthy enough to send you and your brother to Vanderbilt way back when. Sort of like your memories of the golden years (1930’s) of travel by train. The same is true for what happened in the 60’s and 70’s. This is 2022 and Vanderbilt has proven itself to be full of liberal whackos.

  18. Dr Ken

    Vanderbilt needs to dismiss this professor; he is ill fit and unqualified for the role. He ostensibly wants to indoctrinate hate. Whiting is truly a racist and regresses to name calling when unable to develop a cogent supportive argument to his personal view. In short, he screams racism simply to mask the fact he is a racist.

  19. Russ Crouch

    The more of this type of story that happens. the more that PARENTS need to be looking at what they are paying for when it come to their children’s future. It is up to them.

  20. Tim Price

    This ‘thing” is simply another ignorant liberal. End of story!
